Pictorial Directory
We will be updating our new pictorial directory for the second quarter. If you have a different picture you would like to submit, or if you missed it the first time around, here’s your chance.

DISCIPLESHIP BOOK STUDY Grace Can Lead Us Home: A Christian Call to End Homelessness Author: Kevin Nye
This thorough and intimate book shows us that from the margins, Jesus has something to teach us all about grace--something that could change the landscape of homelessness entirely if we're ready to hear it. Book Study beginning May 8.

All Church Retreat
Our All Church Retreat is July 26-28 starting 5pm Friday evening, through 11am Sunday (concluding with outdoor worship!) It is designed for all ages and we hope you will join us…

Holy Week Services
Easter is far more meaningful when you have experienced the story in its’ entirety. Please join us as we encounter Holy Week together with dynamic services to offer insight and connections of this holiest of weeks…

Easter Spring Plant Donation
If you would like to donate a plant for Easter in honor or memory of someone…

Walk the Prayer Labyrinth During Holy Week
Monday - Wednesday, March 25-27, 2024 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

”KNOWN: Finding Deep Friendships in a Shallow World” - Hagen Lecture Book Study
The Digital Age is all about change, but the need for true friendship never changes. You are designed for real engagement with others.. Book Study beginning April 3rd

“Eating to Thrive in Life” - Congregational Care Health Series
Living your best life yet? Do not wait! Learn how to eat to thrive in life…

Bake Sale Benefitting Habitat for Humanity
Sunday March 24th, there will be a Bake Sale benefiting Habitat for Humanity 2024 Faith Build during Fellowship time beginning at 10:15 a.m. Two ways you can help and support…