”KNOWN: Finding Deep Friendships in a Shallow World” - Hagen Lecture Book Study
KNOWN: Finding Deep Friendships in a Shallow World
Author: Dick and Ruth Foth
Wednesdays, April 3 – 24, 2024
Noon – 1 p.m, 7 – 8 p.m.
At Village Commons
The Digital Age is all about change, but the need for true friendship never changes. You are designed for real engagement with others---for affirmation that goes beyond a simple “like” on social media, for connection over meals, for hope and excitement about the future. Above all, you need to be known and accepted for who you are. But how do you find and maintain this kind of friendship in a fluid and frenetic culture?
(Description on Amazon.com)
Purchase a book ($5 each) on Sunday mornings. Childcare will be provided but must be reserved by calling the church office by March 27.