Adult Ministries

First United Methodist Church offers opportunities for adults of all generations to grow in their faith through spiritual practices,
study, and fellowship.

Adult Faith Formation

  • Sunday School

    Please join us.

    8:30 am
    Second Stagers
    in the Conference Room

    9:30 am
    Serendipity Class
    in Village Commons

    Upper Room Class
    in Upper Room (Room 235)

    10:55 am
    Open Hearts Class
    in Village Commons

    Learn More >

  • Classes


    March 12 – April 16, Noon and 7 pm

    Seeking authentic and mature faith? Author, Marcus Borg shows how a rigorous examination of historical findings can lead to a new faith in Christ – a more authentic Christian life—one not rooted in creed or dogma, but in a life of spiritual challenge, compassion, and community. He also reexamines the major stories of the Old Testament vital to an authentic understanding of Jesus, showing how an enriched understanding of these stories can uncover new truths and new pathways to faith. (Taken from Sign Up Here >

  • Workshops


    Saturday, February 1
    10 am – Noon

    If you like to write to process your thoughts, journal, write poems, just like writing, would like to explore writing poems, or in the healing process, you are invited to be a part of this workshop that is open to everyone including people who do not consider ourselves writers or writing is intimidating to you.  Alexandra Donovan is a poet, teacher, chaplain, and workshop and retreat leader living in Fort Collins, CO.  

  • Speakers

    Hagen Lecture (Kevin Nye) and Post-Lecture Discussion

    Wednesday, February 12
    7:00-8:30 pm, Fellowship Hall
    Hagen Lecture – A Call To End Homelessness

    Wednesday, February 19
    7:00-8:00 pm, Parlor
    Post-Lecture Discussion – putting what you learned into action

     In his book, “Grace Can Lead Us Home: A Christian Call to End Homelessness”, minister, advocate, and writer Kevin Nye introduces readers to the Christ he’s met in tents, shelters, and drop-in centers. Kevin will be at First Church as the 2025 Hagen lecturer to speak about this subject. stuck, overwhelmed, or numb to the existence of unhoused pe

    Learn More >


  • Life Together Groups

    Small groups to help you grow in faith and connect with others.

    See full list>

  • Exploring First Church Gathering

    This is a gathering where people new to First Church learn more about Methodism, the history and ministries of First Church and community called First Church. Anyone who is interested in learning more about these matters are invited to attend.


  • Greeters

    Greeters are friendly and welcoming people who greet people at entrances. They offer God’s welcome and hospitality as people walk through the entrances. They are the first point of contact for many on Sunday mornings.

    Email Judy Kinner

  • Welcome Center

    The Welcome Center Team enjoy meeting and speaking with visitors and guests on Sunday mornings. They greet people with smiles, answer questions, and help our guests know we are happy to have them in our midst.

    Email Pam Metzger

  • Sunday Receptionists

    Sunday Receptionists answer the phone and greet people as they go by the office. They also attend to basic office functions like helping people sign up for altar flowers and passing messages to staff.

    Email Janice Whitaker

  • Art Wall

    The Art Wall exhibits art produced by our church community and artists from the community. Art pieces are changed every two months and they feature paintings, photography, and craft.

    Email Rev. Cynthia Paquette

  • Sunday Hospitality


  • Liturgists

    Liturgists are lay persons who actively take part in the worship experience by leading the congregation in various parts of the service allowing worshippers to hear multiple voices in worship leadership.

    Email Cindi Ross-Bell

  • Ushers

    Ushers are essential to the worship experience, from the initial welcome of worshippers to the collection of the offering, answering questions, and helping to make the service a meaningful experience for all. Their warm greetings and friendly smiles let members and visitors know that First church is a welcoming place for all people.

    Email Gail Wells

  • Pew Angels

    Pew Angels straighten the pew pockets, make sure there are enough Bibles, hymnals, and add any necessary supplies. These “angels” perform this function weekly to make sure worshippers have a meaningful experience on Sundays.

    Email Kare Kiser

  • Worship Care Team

    The Sunday Worship Care Team members are trained to attend to medical and emotional emergencies on Sunday mornings at the 9:30 AM worship service. So, these people are able to have an overview of the Sanctuary, care team members are seated at a marked pew just outside the Sanctuary.

    Email Karen Kiser

  • Holy Communion Servers

    Laity, adults and youth help serve Holy Communion every first Sunday of the month when we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion.

    Email Gail Wells

  • Acolytes

    Acolytes are 3rd – 5th graders who carry in the Christ light at the start of worship services on Sundays. At First Church, we believe children are a part of the church. This is a great way for kids to experience and participate in an important piece part of worship at First Church.

    Email Barb Grauberger

  • Time for Children

    During the 9:30 service, all children are invited to gather in front for a chidrens’ sermon before heading to Sunday School.

  • Altar Flowers Ministry

    The Altar Flower team arranges beautiful flowers each week to be placed on the alter for worship.

    Email Rev. Cynthia