About Us
Our Story
God is at work through the people of First United Methodist Church. As a congregation we strive to live the teachings of Jesus — love, acceptance, justice, hope — in all that we do. We gather for worship on Sundays to celebrate God’s love for all people and to encourage and equip ourselves to live that love every day of the week. We listen and learn in small groups and studies. We serve and reach out to the community to embody our values and build relationship. We ask big questions and don’t settle for simple answers. We pray for one another and walk with one another in life’s difficult moments. We enjoy good company and share in joy.
And we would love for you to join us as we do so.
Our Moment
First United Methodist Church has been serving the people of Fort Collins since 1867. We weren’t just the first Methodist church in town, we were the first church in town. Our history of community connection and service inspires our hope for today.
We know that a church that cares for its neighbors and proclaims God’s love for all will continue to make a needed difference in the world. Our congregation is blessed to be inter-generational. We have members that have been here 50+ years and we have 50+ elementary age children in Sunday school.
We cherish the unique combination of welcoming and grace filled theology in a traditional setting. Yes, a church can worship with traditional hymns & organ and support the LGBTQIA+ community. Yes, a church can have stained glass windows and be active in providing housing to families in need as we address the housing crisis. Yes, a church can be 157 years old and have a vibrant dream for a 157 years more.
We are grateful for the path we have traveled, committed to the path we are on, and hopeful for the path ahead.
Our Staff
The Staff at First Church would love to get to know you better. Feel free to reach out to us. Get to know our staff >
All are welcome to share in communion, no matter your age or background. God loves and accepts every person, so our communion table knows no boundaries. Learn More >
Become a Member
Everyone is invited into membership at Fort Collins FUMC. Those who wish to join will make sacred commitments to God and the church and receive the welcome of the congregation and its commitment to help you grow in your faith. You will have the opportunity to pledge to “Faithfully participate in the ministries of the church by your prayers, presence gifts, service, and witness.”* *From Membership and United Methodists, Cokesbury, 2010.
If you are interested in joining, fill out the Membership Interest Form here >
Baptism is a visible sign of God’s grace and love for each of us. Baptism does not mark the beginning of God’s love and acceptance, rather, it outwardly confirms the love God already offers – through Christ’s life, teachings, and resurrection, God offers new life to us all. Fill out our Baptism Form to be contacted by one of our pastors. >
Weekly Newsletters
Sign up to receive the latest announcements and upcoming events in our weekly newsletters. >
Prayer Request
Let us know if you or someone you know is in need of prayer. >
If you are interested in getting more involved in our church and community, consider giving some of your time to one or more of our church events or local missions. Volunteer Interest Form >
If you are interested in having your wedding at First Church, please fill out this form and someone will contact you >
Frequently Asked Questions
9:30 a.m., and 11 a.m. Services:
There really isn't much difference between these two services other than that the 9:30 service includes a special time for children before they leave the service to go to Sunday School. Because of this, the 9:30 worship service often attracts families with younger children. The music in both of these services is led by our Sanctuary Choir and accompanied by our magnificent pipe organ, piano, and various other instruments depending on the season and theme of worship. We sing the very best of all musical styles as we share the joy of Christ through music. The congregation sings from the hymnal or the hymnal supplements during the service. We have hymnals for those who prefer to read the music while singing, and for those who don't, the words to all congregational songs as well as spoken responses are also shown on the screens. Our Director of Children's Ministry, Barb Grauberger, gives the children's message (at 9:30) before the kids are excused for Sunday School. We receive an offering, and sometimes celebrate a baptism or the reception of new members. One of our clergy preaches a sermon, and the services often end with the singing of a final song and a benediction or blessing given by one of our pastors.
We serve communion on the first Sunday of each month at both services. Everyone is welcome to take communion from the Lord's table.
Children and youth Sunday school classes are available from 9:45–10:45 a.m. Children are dismissed out of the 9:30 a.m. worship service after the children's message, and youth meet in the education wing basement. Nursery care is available for children under 3 during the 9:30 service and for children 5 and under for the 11:00 service. Please visit our Children and Youth pages for more information >
We hope you come to church in whatever makes you feel comfortable. We care more about you and your relationship with Jesus than what you look like.
Parking is available on every side of the building, but the main parking lots are located by the south entrance. Our Welcome Center is located at the intersection of the two main hallways of our church, next to the entrance to the Sanctuary. Please stop by to check-in and get more information!
As you enter one of the services, an usher or a greeter will welcome you. Please let an usher or a greeter know if you have special seating needs such as a wheelchair or hearing aid. Please complete the contact form in the bulletin so we know you stopped by! We hope you enjoy our church community and look forward to seeing you soon!