Leading from
Your Authentic Self

Dr. Erika Michalski
October 30, 2024, 7 - 8:15 pm - Fellowship Hall

Dr. Erika is BACK! Inviting you to think about all the different ways you lead and how to do it with greater authenticity. Whether you are in a formal leadership position at work, volunteering your leadership to a nonprofit organization, doing your part to get kids out the door on time for school, or making sure you put your grocery cart back in the “cart corral”,” there are lots of possibilities for leadership moments. Learning how to lean into them with greater authenticity can help you ensure you are optimizing your energy and increasing your capacity for impact. Research also shows that when we lead through a lens of authenticity, we find a greater sense of satisfaction from the experience. So mark your calendar to experience an evening of encouragement and reflection about how you can tap into your authentic approach to leadership and put it into action. Note: Attendance at the previous session Dr. Erika led on living authentically is not required for you to join in the
high-energy fun of this session.   You can learn more about Dr. Erika and her work by checking out her website: www.stratauth.com.