THE LORD’S PRAYER: Returning to the Aramaic Words Spoken by Jesus
Wednesday, January 29th, 7 – 8 pm
In person in Village Commons or Online
We recite the Lord’s Prayer every Sunday, but do we know the deeper meaning of the words we recite weekly? Come be a part of this session as Lisa Fenton Free leads us in reviewing Neil Douglas-Klotz’s Aramaic version of The Lord’s Prayer. Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD wrote Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus, helping us to better understand Jesus’s teachings within the context and culture of his days. Dr. Douglas-Klotz is a scholar of the Aramaic language and internationally known in the fields of religious studies and semitic languages. His book brings deeper meanings to the words spoken by Jesus. Copies of his interpretation will be given to all attendees. No book is needed to attend and participate in this class. Questions? Email Lisa Fenton-Free.