Letter from District Superintendent: Associate Pastor Appointment

Dear Members and Friends of First United Methodist Church, 

I am excited to share with you that Bishop Kristin Stoneking, in consultation with the Mountain Sky Cabinet and the First UMC Staff Parish Relations Committee, is announcing her intention to appoint Rev. Jamielee Demske as your Associate Pastor beginning July 1, 2025.

Rev. Jamielee currently serves as the pastor of Laurel UMC in Laurel, Montana and as the Congregational Resource Minister for the Montana East District. As the CRM, Rev. Jamielee supported more than 50 churches in her district in organizational leadership, resourcing and vision. Prior to serving in Montana, Rev. Jamielee was the Associate Pastor at Washington Park UMC in Denver.

Rev. Jamielee, along with her husband Jordan, and their two children, June and Josh, are excited to return to Colorado and join the Ft. Collins community.

You will be in my prayers as you walk through this transition time with Rev. Cynthia, and welcome Rev. Jamielee. I am grateful for your commitment and openness about what is next for the First United Methodist Church.

Grace and Blessings,
Rev. Jessica Rooks, District Superintendent Colorado Front Range District
Mountain Sky Conference


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